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The development of the emerging markets with special view to Turkey is the topic of the next event of the Swiss Turkish Business Council (STBC): Monday, 30th November 2015, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., afterwards apéro at Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) "Steinfels", Josefstrasse 222, 8005 Zurich. Keynote Speaker: Beat Schumacher, Senior Economist, ZKB Panellists:
  • Clyde Iselin, Director TEF Structured Export Finance, UBS Switzerland AG
  • Gero Jung, Chief Economist, Mirabaud & Cie SA, Zurich
  • Rudolf Meier, Head Sales Area Europe / Africa, Rieter Machine Works Ltd, Winterthur
  • Beat Schumacher, Keynote Speaker, ZKB
Discussion Leader: Stephan Staub, President STBC After the panel, an apéro is offered by our event-sponsor and member Zürcher Kantonalbank. Please note that the registration until the 27th November 2015 at the latest is necessary - otherwise you will not get admittance to the bank building. For the registration, please click here.