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The organizers of the «Swiss Days Istanbul» (Switzerland Global Enterprise, Swiss Turkish Hub Turkey and Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Turkey) have launched a new program, the Swiss Turkish Startup Program (STSP) – a  program, which aims to promote innovative startups in the automotive, energy & renewable energy, pharma, food, textile and infrastructure & construction sectors, based in Turkey or Switzerland. Please find the detailed description of the program here. Please see also:

The application deadline for startups is April 30th. 

A virtual pitching-event (Virtual Qualifier) in front of the jury will take place on June 15th with five pre-elected Swiss and five Turkish Startups as local qualifiers. Four out of these ten qualifiers will be nominated to the final round taking place in September during the Swiss Days. They will have the opportunity to pitch during the Swiss Turkish Economic Forum and at the same time network with potential clients, partners and investors. The two winners (one Swiss Startup and one Turkish Startup) will be announced at the Opening Ceremony / Economic Forum during the Swiss Days Istanbul 2021 on September 24th - 26th.

We think that is a very exciting program. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact directly Mr. Suhail El Obeid, Senior Consultant Africa, Middle East, Iran & Turkey at Switzerland Global Enterprise (e-mail:; phone : +41 44 365 54 72).

Best regards,

Pia Stebler

Executive Director I Member of the Board