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Picture, from left to right: Romeo Maggi (Board Member STBC), Cemil Baysal (Board Member STBC). Dr. Pia Stebler (President STBC), Dr. Hasan Emre Uygun (Consul General), Philippe Graber (Vice President STBC). Orhan Arikci (Board Member STBC), Ümit Özeflatun (Vice President STBC).

The Board of the Swiss Turkish Business Council STBC, almost completely renewed this year, is very active in maintaining and expanding its network. After the visit to the Turkish Embassy in Bern, nearly the entire Board met today with the Turkish Consul General in Zurich, Dr. Hasan Emre Uygun.

It was a very constructive dialogue: Everyone agreed that there is still a large amount of potential in Swiss-Turkish economic relations. We want to work together to exploit this potential - to the benefit of companies in both countries.