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Facts & Figures

Source: CHF/EUR @ Sat, 21 Dec.

General information, population and economy (source: Country comparison Switzerland : Turkey (worlddata.info))

General information Switzerland Türkiye
Area41,290 km2785,350 km2
Government formFederal republicParlamentary republic
Inhabitants /km2209.2107.4
Life expectancy males82 years75 years
Life expectancy females86 years81 years
Average age42 years29.4 years
Birthrate10 promilles15.78 promilles
Deathrate7.9 promilles5.44 promilles
Migrationrate4.55 promilles-1.55 promilles
CurrencySwiss Francs (1 CHF = 100 Rappen)Turkish Lira (1 TRY = 100 Kurus)
Gross domestic product747,969 M US$720,101 M US$
– Gross domestic product per 1000 inh.86.60 M US$8.54 M US$
Gross national product754,231 M US$763,333 M US$
– Gross national product per 1000 inh.87.33 M US$9.05 M US$
Exported goods470,914 M US$203,288 M US$
– Exported goods per 1000 inh.54.52 M US$2.41 M US$
Imported goods401,912 M US$232,005 M US$
– Imported goods per 1000 inh.46.53 M US$2.75 M US$

Foreign trade Switzerland – Türkiye